I had an interesting request from a user who by nature of his job really gets buried in notifications and has really long status reports to deal with. He asked if we could color-code, group, or otherwise call-out the difference between a newly-created, newly-assigned, only just pinged task and one that is ongoing. Some background: Our old system used the idea of Work Orders for assigning jobs to designers. So the Task has become that Work Order, which means the Update area has become the body of the work order describing the work that needs to be done. I had thought maybe we could use the New and In Progress status of a task to accomplish the user's request, but am worried that still may mean a fair number of In Progress but not actually being worked on yet tasks. Also, and more likely, someone clicks Work On It but does not change the status to In Progress (though...this could become an interesting enforcement action). So wanted to get some thoughts on the matter before just going with the more obvious New/In Progress solution. Kevin Quosig