Hi Albert, A few things can cause this. I'd recommend contacting our support team so that we can walk through your specific example. In general, this is how Workfront's system operates: When you create a project, and you're scheduling from the project's start date, you'll choose the start date and time that you want the project to start at. You also have a schedule that gets assigned to the project. If that schedule is 8-5 with a 1 hour lunch from 12-1, your project should default to 8am. If you choose 9am, that's going to throw a wrench into this. So you create your first task, set it to a 1 day duration. When you save it, it's now something like 1.14 days... why? Because your schedule is 8-5, and it starts at 9am (can't start earlier than your project.) So it's going 9-5 on day 1, and 8-9 on day 2. Now, this also has to take into account your "Typical Hours per Work Day" setting in Setup -> Project Preferences -> Projects. The default is 8. If you set it to 7, this is going to throw another wrench into this. Now you assign a user in the previous timezone. (Say your project is Central time, and your user is Mountain time.) That user has an 8am-5pm schedule based on Mountain time. This means that the 9am start time for the project, will match with the 8am schedule for that user. 1 day duration = 1 day. There are more scenarios, but that's the most common one I see. Good luck everyone and have a great weekend! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront