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Cross-Object Reference in Kickstart?


Level 2
Hello, I am trying to add new users via a kickstart and would like to add Company Name; however, it appears I can only add CompanyID (setCompanyID). I tried modifying this column header to setCompany:Name (just as I would do in a report), but this doesn't seem to be working. There are a few other fields (e.g. HomeGroupID) where I'd like to reference the name instead of the ID. Is it possible to reference across objects in a kickstart import? Thanks! Alexi Glines iProspect
6 Replies


Level 10
Hi Alexi, I haven't tried this with the kickstarter but did you try the field name as company:name ? That's how the field name is coming up for me. They're case sensitive.


Level 2
Hi Vic, Thanks for the suggestion! If I'm not mistaken, kickstart column headers must be in sentence case. Though, just to be thorough, I just tried the following variations and neither worked: setcompany:name and setCompany:name . Alexi Glines iProspect


Level 10
Sorry. It was worth a shot ��


Level 7
Hi Alexi, While it would be nice to reference by name, Kick-Starts are very particular about how data is entered. I usually recommend creating a view for the object type you're trying to add, and reference the ID via the view, and continue using the ID in the kick-start. I don't think we'll be doing much in terms of changing the current kick-start functionality any time soon, but you're welcome to submit an idea via the Idea Exchange. Best of luck getting your kick-starts to work! If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Consulting team for help building out a kick-start, or to our Support team for help troubleshooting issues with them. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Hi Dustin, While I really appreciate your update, I am disappointed that this (seemingly quite basic) functionality isn't available natively yet within Workfront, and will be submitting an idea to the Exchange for sure. It seems that the kickstart process could use some improvements; in theory, it's a huge time saver for us! In actuality, it's a bit limited in its current state and not as useful to us as it could be. That said, thanks for taking the time to respond! Alexi Glines iProspect


Level 7
Hi Alexi, I agree that Kick-Starts could be updated... they haven't really been tweaked much in the ~6 years I've been here. One thing that I would suggest if you can , is to heavily utilize the preview environment to delete a lot of the data on a Friday, then create very basic data (a project called "A project", a task on that project called "A task", an issue called "An issue", and so on.) and export it all via the various kick-starts. The reason I suggest this is so you have a basic kickstart with fields that are already populated, and named with easily recognizable names. That way, if you need to bulk import data in the future, you have a nice little bunch of files you can go through to see how they interact with Workfront, and what you need to fill out. I hope you have a great day! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront