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Creating a Report to See All Projects Assigned to Everyone


Level 2

Good morning all -

I am an admin for my team. I am trying to create a report that shows every single project ever assigned to one of my team members (whether that project is active or closed). I or the other admin are always the owners of every project.

The goal is to have a report that shows all team members and a list of every project ever assigned to them underneath their names.

We are brand new to Workfront.

Would anyone know how to do that? Thank you so much for your help.


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3 Replies


Level 10

Hi Travis, That one's come up a few times recently, so I invite you to read Project report by assignments this thread , which might get you in the ballpark. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 2
Thanks so much Doug! I see that there's a solution that I have to deploy and I have to sign up for the site to download it. I unfortunately can't do that as I'd have to go through my company's IT. Are there any step by step guides that you know of? Travis San Pedro Lockton Dunning Benefits


Level 10
Ah; that's unfortunate, Travis, No, part of the point of providing the package is to avoid having to create step by step guides, but if you study the layout of the screenshots on the other thread and note the textmode tips (DCNT in particular), that might be sufficient. If you get stuck, feel free to send in a screenshot here, too. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore