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Create / Update New Field based on If / Then / Else Logic


Level 6


I have a data background where I could create fields in a database based on If / Then / Else statement logic. It's apparent that this would be very helpful for a number of situations that will possibly arise while we're making structural changes to our instance. Is this something that's possible in Workfront?

e.g. create a new field based on an existing field, but mapping the values to a new code (A = 1, B = 2 etc). If there a specific help guide for this?

Thanks for your help


2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @MattWindsor  Check out the Text Mode documentation. You can absolutely use IF statements in custom fields and in reports.


Level 6

Thanks Heather,

That's create to know it's there so that I can start properly investigating without wasting time.

