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Create Recurring Tasks


Community Advisor
My mind is blown this morning And it's not even 8am!. Did anyone know you can create recurring tasks in Workfront? We don't do a ton of them, but this will save me so much time when I have to do them! >https://experience.workfront.com/s/article/Creating-Recurring-Tasks-712233427
5 Replies


Level 2
Yes but in our experience there are some annoying limitations to the features that have meant that we're not able to use it the way we would like to. e.g. it doesn't populate the recurring tasks with duration and hours you have to manually enter these. Renee Dorris Doctors Without Borders USA NY


Community Advisor
True, there are some definite limitations. For the duration I enter the first one, hit return to take me to the next line, enter that one, return, etc. I can blast down through the list of tasks pretty quickly as long as the days are the same for each task. Same for hours. Assignee is a little slower, mine so far have all had just one assignee so I can copy their name, paste it into the first line, wait for the type-ahead function to bring up that person, hit return twice (once to select that person, and again to bounce to the next line). So that one is a bit slower waiting for the type-ahead to know who I want, but not a deal breaker for me and still faster then entering each task separately. Entering the assignee into the parent task populates all the tasks, but then that person has the parent task on their Home list for the entire duration of the series - not ideal.


Level 9
On my screen I've got an option for "Duration per Occurrence" that seems to allow me to set duration/planned hours on each task at once. At least, assuming that you want them all to be identical. Not sure if that option might have been released after this conversation initially started though? Katherine Katherine Stibley DMD Marketing Corp.


Community Advisor
Oh that's awesome! I'll have to look for that next time I add one..


Level 4

Since link was broken above, here are links to some working ones:

Recurring tasks overview


Create recurring tasks



100 recurring tasks seems to be the limit