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Counting The Number of Assignees On A Task [Textmode]


Level 4



I am trying to get a column in a Task report showing the amount of assignments/assignees on a task. Is this possible?

I tried this but only got 0 as a value.

displayname=Assignment Count
valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({assignments}), 0, COUNT({assignments}))

 Thank you,


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6 Replies


Community Advisor

Same here. 


assignments clearly is an array, so I tried to use ARRAYLENGTH but like you, just get zeroes.


I'd put in a ticket asking why this is not evaluating. 


Community Advisor

Hi Eric - you cannot "count" in Workfront. It's not a calculated data expression that's accepted. Overview of calculated data expressions | Adobe Workfront


Level 4

Hi Kellie,


Thanks for the info, is there another way you recommend going about displaying the number of assignments on a task?


Community Advisor

I haven't tried, but at least in principle something like this could work.

1. use assignmentsListString field as your reference, this is a string

2. use LEN to see how long it is, and this works with strings

3. items in this list are coma separated

4. Replace all commas with blank space LEN(REPLACE({YourField}, ",", ""))

5. Difference in length should be number of your assignments.

LEN({YourField}) - LEN(REPLACE({YourField}, ",", ""))

This is just theory, not sure if it works. I would plug in fusion to get the number for convenience.


Community Advisor

It's complicated from a text-mode perspective especially when referencing collections. I've seen posts over the years on how to hack it and it seems like so much work, IMO.


Could you reverse engineer your report thinking by starting with an assignment report and grouping by the task ID and then using a matrix or summary to display the counts?


Community Advisor

I agree, this is overcomplicating stuff, and if fusion is not available, I would suggest using assignment report with grouping as well