Is it at all possible to copy a request, once it has been submitted? I have a couple of projects are are almost identical, but don't want to have to re-key all the information into a new request form. I would love to be able to just copy my original request and make the necessary changes. I have looked on the Workfront-Help, but can't find anything to tell me if this is even doable. All help is appreciated! Patricia Howay
Hey Patricia, If you select the check box next to the request while in the project, and then select More, then Copy to, you can copy the request to a new project. Kirsten Heikkinen
Hi Miranda, I think she's talking about in this view you can select whichever you want to copy then click More and Copy to... (Fig. 1) You can also do this if you have the request open, by going to Issue Actions (Fig. 2) Fig. 1 Fig. 2