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Copy custom form and automatically copy custom fields?


Level 9



is it somehow possible to copy a custom form and also its fields to prevent modifying the original form when changing field parameters in the new one?


Thanks in advance.



3 Replies


Community Advisor

Yes if you navigate to Setup > Custom Forms when you select a form you'll see the "Copy" button in the navigation. This allows you to make an exact copy of the form along with the fields and logic. It does not make a copy of the field but instead uses the existing field so any field edits will be reflected on all forms that use that field

Screen Shot 2022-09-22 at 12.52.55 PM.png



Hi Lars ( @lgaertner ),


If you need the fields to be cloned so you'd end up with two fields (this could be seen as a potentially dangerous direction in that you could end up with a ton of custom fields and your list could get a little out of control) we don't currently have functionality that does that except perhaps via Fusion/API.  As @MoniqueEvans notes, current functionality will use pre-existing fields when you copy a form.  I would suggest adding this as an idea and cross-referencing it here if you decide you'd like to get community support for some variation of this need and for our product teams to consider it OR look to a Fusion scenario to address this unique need.






Level 9

The idea was, that we are creating some really long forms, which we want to copy and make slight modifications to some form field without affecting the original form(s).


So I do understand your point concerning the "tons of custom fields" but would at least like to have to possibility to decide if I do want to make a copy of the field in the moment I want to modify it and it is already used in other forms.