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Converting Issue to Task - Closing the Original Issue


Level 2
Hi - I've searched through the Help articles and the Community but haven't been able to find an answer. In our process, we enter new requests for software development/changes as an issue in a queue with two possible paths: Client platform change: once the change order has been signed and we're ready to move forward with development, we convert the issue into a project SaaS product: we convert multiple issues to tasks under a new monthly development sprint project My dilemma is with closing the original issues. What I'd like to have happen is that the original issue is updated to Closed-Scheduled when converted to a project or task. I know I can disable the Project Preferences Tasks & Issues "Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task/project" field which will break the resolving object link, but that still leaves the original issue open. Does anyone have any ideas or know if this is possible? The reason I need the original issue closed is that our team members will post documents to or log hours to the original issue, which negatively impacts others ability to find posted documents and throws off profitability reporting. Thank you in advance. Maria Cortina Marketing Innovators International, Inc.
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Maria, I can think of a couple of options to close Issues once they're converted to Projects (or Tasks): Create a report that shows those that have been converted but are not closed, review it periodically, and bulk-update them manually to closed Use our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/ubercalc/">UberCalc solution (or Fusion, or the API) to code automate similar behavior, in or near real time Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 4
Hi Maria, Is it important to keep record of the issues? We had a similar problem and we unchecked the box "Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task" under Tasks and Projects (just below the area you unchecked for "Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task/project"). The reason I ask if you need to keep the original request is once we've done the conversion, it closes the issue and goes away. This way, when users are searching for their request, only the project or task will show up. Thanks, Michelle Michelle Jackson Colony Brands, Inc.


Level 2
Thanks, Michelle. Currently, after we convert to a task or project, I close the original issue as "Closed-Scheduled" and note the ID of the new task or project --- I can find the original issue in the queue's Completed Issues list. So we can always find it, but since it is closed, no one can add hours to it. We're god with the way this is working - I'd just like to know if, instead of having to manually close it, there's a way to have the system update the status to Closed-Scheduled so that we don't forget to do that. Maria Maria Cortina Marketing Innovators International, Inc.


Level 2
Thank you, Doug, for your suggestions. I'm going to research both. Maria Maria Cortina Marketing Innovators International, Inc.