Agreed: it can be a bit confusing, Jonathan. Recapping this conversation and elaborating, for those still trying to get it straight in their own minds: convertedOpTaskEntryDate Is a property that is available directly on the Project record/object) that stores the Entry Date of the original Request (aka OpTask, aka Issue) that was eventually converted into the Project convertedOpTaskActualCompletionDate, on the other hand, is not stored as a property on the Project; in part, I suspect, because it is typically null (ie has not yet occurred) at the time the Request was converted into the Project; in essence, "tying" the Request's eventual completion to the Project's. Instead, however, since the Project was created from a convertedOpTask (record/object), by "hopping" to that Request using a colon, you can then inspect any of its properties, such as the convertedOpTask:actualCompletionDate of interest. In a similar fashion, you could also retrieve convertedOpTask:entryDate, which (by design) would be the same as convertedOpTaskEntryDate; the latter being redundant, but convenient. Your use of convertedOpTaskOriginator:name was similar, hopping to the convertedOpTaskOriginator (which is a User record/object) via the colon to then retrieve the name property. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!