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Commit Dates are killing us


Level 10
Hi, Commit Dates are really killing us and causing a lot of confusion/frustration with users. e.g. A task is originally scheduled for a certain date and an assigned user clicks 'Work On It', Workfront sets the commit date to the planned date (assuming the user doesn't propose an alternative commit date - and we ask them not to do this). If the task's planned date is later changed, the user's original commit date remains. Our users don't remember to go and update their commit dates on such tasks. This then affects tasks' and projects' projected dates, and more confusingly for the user, it leaves the original commit date on their mini-calendar on the My Work screen. We would love to just be able to switch off the Commit Date functionality completely. As this doesn't appear to be possible, how else can we try to keep the commit dates aligned with the planned dates? There doesn't seem to be a way to centrally edit commit dates (even one-by-one, let alone in bulk). The only way I know of doing this is to log on as the user and change the commit date on each task. This is impractical with thousands of tasks in progress per month. Do other customers have this issue? How do you handle it? We have a team who are in charge of scheduling people at the right time, so we really don't need the users to be setting alternative commit dates. Thanks, David.

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75 Replies


Level 10

Yep - we struggle with Commit Dates as well. Big time. We have customized the My Work tiles to no longer show the Commit Dates (but to show Planned Completion/Due Date instead). We instruct users to then group and sort their WOrking On list by planned completion date instead of COmmit Date. See attached. This has helped somewhat, but then the calendar above the My Work list is not in sync with the list below - b/c the calendar still shows tasks and their commit dates rather than the planned due date. I have heard rumblings that WF is considering getting rid of (or at least the option to turn it off in your instance) Commit Dates.0690z000007ZkaRAAS.jpg


Level 1
I agree. The ability to turn off commit dates would be helpful. It really erodes the ability to have a clear date when something is due, and it's hard to keep a consistent approach when certain features use the commit date and are not customizable.


Level 4
I have created a Project report with all eight (yes, Eight!) task start/finish dates displayed. It's only useful to explain to folks why they should not mess with the Commit Date!! :)


Level 8
Commit dates are an issue for us as well. We also have an issue where, even if a commit date is changed, people will get Overdue Notifications based on the orginal commit date. Another issue that one of our users have had is getting an over due notification on a task that was marked complete a few weeks ago (for example the task is marked complete on 6/8, the user received an overdue notification on 6/23).


Level 7
Agree with many of the posts on here about this topic. We also experience issues with commit dates. It's a nice idea from the perspective of giving your users a tool to set a new due date when they can't commit to the current planned date. BUT in practice it's a mess because we deal with shifting timelines and planned dates on a regular basis. The fact that a commit date can't be over written when a project owner is replanning their timeline without unassigning and then reassigning users is a pain. I get you don't want someone arbitrarily moving something a user has specifically committed to but when the users don't also update their commits after timing changes this all falls down. We've done some training on this and found that some users do engage with this (mainly some of our developers) but most do not - they feel it's several extra steps they have to take every time the client moves a deadline on us and is wasted effort on their end. I'd love the ability to turn this feature on/off for individual groups. I could also see it being helpful if the UI of the task page and My Work page provided a side by side comparison of Commit to Plan dates. Those dates really only work well when in direct comparison to each other. Otherwise a resource sees the single, most prominent date and ignores the other. Change takes time, patience and practice.


Level 9
Just stumbled upon this thread. We face/struggle with the same thing. The working on calendar is one of the best tools for users but we can't realize its full potential because of these sticky commit dates. A while back I submitted a product enhancement request to give system admins the ability to toggle this feature on/off. Hoping these rumblings you speak of are true, Katherine!


Level 10
Hi Michael, Regarding the Working On calendar.....my understanding is that it only shows Planned and/or Projected Dates, depending on which you have chosen. Commit Dates wouldn't directly show, unless you are talking about their effect on projected dates? One related thing we would like changed is for the regular Calendars to not show Actual Dates. We have set them up to show Planned Dates, but as soon as there is an actual date, it shows these, which really confuses users. Regards, David


Level 10
Commit dates are a pain. The original intent is noble, to be sure, but in practice, it causes untold confusion. We created a custom attribute on the task called "Promise Date". Only the Project Manager/Owner can see that attribute in the custom form, so only the PM can change that date. This is the date that we promised someone the task would be done. It acts like a Commit Date, but isn't readily changed, which reflects our desire to not readily change our promises. Commit Dates, on the other hand, can change at any time, at any frequency. We don't want to run projects where people are changing their committments that readily. We want continuity and consistency in what people do. The current commit date functionality creates the impression that people can change their committment at any time, and that isn't what our culture values. I'm all for a system level setup flag that shuts off Commit Date functionality. Eric


Level 9
Yeah, that's how I understand the Calendar functionality as well...planned vs. projected. I was referring to the My Work weekly calendar view though. That view only populates commit dates to my knowledge. I have my group's Working On tab set up so they can see both the planned date (what's in the schedule) and the date they committed to. They are able to change the commit date directly within that tab, which seems easy, but typically forgotten and seen as an added, unnecessary step. #NoMoreCommitDates


Level 5
Agree with all the comments. Workfront makes it VERY difficult to replan a project. Once a user "commits" to having work done on a date, that's it. Put the project on hold, and the task stays in the persons Working On queue. Restart and replan the project, no problem --- the planned dates change but not the commit date that is sitting right in front of the person doing the work. Then you also have the issue of the commit date driving the Projected Completion date, so in the case of the replanned project, you're all Green because the commit dates may be WAY before the planned date. ARGH!


Level 9
Hi Marty, I found a way around the On Hold projects on the Working On tab issue. Short answer, create a new status that equates with Dead. It tricks the system in to thinking the tasks within the project are no longer active. The off the shelf default status of On Hold still considers the project live/active and being worked on to my knowledge. Search the help area with the string Project goes "On Hold", Tasks still show in My Work List . Here's a link to the post I found - https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/218455578-Project-goes-On-Hold-Tasks-still-show-in-M... Hope this helps.


Level 10
Michael has started the first hashtag for the community #NoMoreCommitDates Yes, the calendar on the My Work tab confuses users no end because of its use of commit dates. We have told users to disregard it completely and go to their other calendars. We really need to be able to give users a calendar of their own tasks which they can have confidence in (I.e. a calendar which disregards commit dates and actual dates). At this point the Working On tab is closest but of course shows their whole team as well. Actually, the clearest solution we have is a simple assignment report placed on a reporting tab. It gives the easiest unambiguous view of their tasks. Sent from my HTC David Cornwell PMO Quality Assurance Analyst M: +61 422 453 599 E: david.cornwell@pentanasolutions.com [ ">http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/Pentana-Solutions-Sig.jpg]<> [social] [social]<>[social]<>">https://plus.google.com/b/102545672428646020884[social]<>[social]<>[social]<> 549 Blackburn Rd Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Australia P: +61 3 9535 2222 F: +61 3 9535 2274 W: pentanasolutions.com< ">http://www.pentanasolutions.com/?utm_source=ES&utm_medium=emailsig&utm_campaign=emailsiggeneral> Pentana Solutions accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. < [http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/survey-banner-australia.jpg]<>">http://info.pentanasolutions.com/erapower?utm_source=email%20sig&utm_medium=email%20sig&utm_campaign=erapowermig>[http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/survey-banner-australia.jpg]<> [ http://www.pentanasolutions.com/media/images/brw-most-innovative-companies.jpg] ----- Reply message -----


Community Advisor
Hello, fellow fear-of-Commitment-(dates) friends, I am enhancing our "http://store.atappstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/UberCalc.png">UberCalc AtApp to find and remove out unwanted Commitment Dates on a scheduled basis (e.g. nightly or hourly), and am trying to determine if there is a universal filter definition of an "unwanted Commitment date". What would be in YOUR definition? Regards, Doug


Level 4
Doug, I'm going to say it.... "Unwanted Commitment date" = The day the divorce becomes final ;p


Level 9
Doug, definitely let us know if you find a way to address the outdated commitment dates on the My Work tab. Didn't quite follow what you're looking for the UberCalc to do for this but it sounds intriguing. By "address" I would be head over heels if it could update those dates automatically for us. I don't want to remove those tasks because they are still active/live, just out of date from the schedule. Thanks!


Level 4
On a serious note, for us it would be all commit dates are unwanted. Even if they are prior to the planned end date. I would rather we claimed an early finish to a task. Cheers, Phil


Community Advisor
Thanks Michael. To state my question more simply: are there any Commit Dates you'd want to KEEP, or -- as with Phil -- is your preference to simply remove ALL Commit Dates? Regards, Doug


Level 9
Thanks, Doug. I agree with Phil. We don't use commit dates at all so we'd want to get rid of them completely. Our PM's set the schedules / planned dates and our team just wants to know and manage their time based on that date, not the committed date. It causes more confusion than clarity for us.


Level 10
We’d like to get rid of them completely. I liked the idea of a system-wide configuration switch to just shut them off completely. Thanks for asking! Eric


Level 10
Agree - get rid of them completely would be our vote.