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Combining Issues and Tasks in the Same Report


Level 2
Has anyone figured out how to combine tasks and Queue issues into the same report? I am trying to not do 2 separate reports.
8 Replies


Level 4
I"m not that great with text mode but I found this article on combining Tasks and Issues in a View and Grouping on the Experience site. Maybe this will start you in the right direction for what you are looking for. https://one.workfront.com/s/article/Report-Combined-Task-and-Issue-View-and-Grouping-950938477 ‚ Thanks


Level 2
You can create an Assignment Report, this will allow you set the Assigned To: Name and you can add in the Task and Issue names. I like to Group these by Project Name. One gotcha is this lists all the Tasks first and then all the Issues second. Best, Jeffrey Gillis


Level 2
I need to try this Jeffrey, thanks for the idea. I've seen this done with a Notes report which is built to cross objects as well to bring in both Issues and Tasks. I need to look at both report types to see what types of data realistically comes over. Tim Greek IEHP


Community Advisor
Thanks for the tip on the Assignment report, I"m going to test that out since we use a 2 report solution, which is clunky. And good news, this idea exchange idea is planned Ability to report on issues, tasks, and projects together in one report


Level 5
This is what the Work Items report does. I have been making more of these lately and I find that doing shared columns within these (by adding sharecol=true in text mode) comes in handy so you don"t have 1 column for Task Actual Completion Date and 1 column for Issue Actual Completion Date, 1 column for Task Status and 1 column for Issue Status, etc. One shortcoming I have found though, is if you filter the Work Items report by team, the report will duplicate tasks/issues that are assigned to multiple users and do one line item for each assignment.


Level 6
I also usually have to have separate Issue and Task reports, although I use Assignment reports as much as possible. The problem with Assignment reports are there are a lot of fields that Workfront stores as different for Issues and Tasks (ex. Actual Completion Date). So if you want to do a report on "all issues and tasks completed in X month, it can be much tougher than it needs to be. I personally haven"t figured out how to do groupings & charts, but I do know how to do Text Mode columns. ACTUAL COMPLETION DATE displayname=Actual Completion Date textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{actualCompletionDate},{opTask}.{actualCompletionDate}) valueformat=HTML The logic in the value expression line is "IF THE ISSUE ID field is blank, use the Task information, otherwise Issue information" Here are some others I use TASK/ISSUE NAME displayname=Task/Request textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{name},{opTask}.{name}) valueformat=HTML PLANNED START DATE displayname=Planned Start Date textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{plannedStartDate},{opTask}.{plannedStartDate}) valueformat=HTML PLANNED COMPLETION DATE displayname=Planned Completion Date textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{plannedCompletionDate},{opTask}.{plannedCompletionDate}) valueformat=HTML STATUS displayname=Status textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{status},{opTask}.{status}) valueformat=HTML


Level 2
I have been struggling with this same question. Sorry to not cite the exact article/author from this site, but if I am like anyone else who is trying to track this down, you have searched and searched and tweaked and tweaked and do not always know where code comes from. I am having issues with allocated hours. If someone with more skill can make suggestions I would appreciate it! I am basing my report on Assignments: column.5.isInlineEditable=false column.5.linkedname=task column.5.listsort=nested(task).string(workrequired) column.5.name=Planned Hours column.5.sharecol=true column.5.shortview=false column.5.stretch=0 column.5.textmode=true column.5.valuefield=task:workrequired column.5.valueformat=int column.5.width=100 column.6.isInlineEditable=false column.6.linkedname=opTask column.6.listsort=nested(opTask).string(workrequired) column.6.shortview=false column.6.stretch=0 column.6.textmode=true column.6.valuefield=opTask:workrequired column.6.valueformat=int column.6.width=1 I could not get hours to work, but I did get these to work: (Adjust column numbers as needed) Unique task name or issue name in a single field: column.3.description=Task or Issue Name column.3.isInlineEditable=false column.3.link.linkproperty.0.name=ID column.3.link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=task:ID column.3.link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=string column.3.link.lookup=link.view column.3.link.valuefield=task:objCode column.3.link.valueformat=val column.3.listsort=nested(task).string(name) column.3.name=Name column.3.sharecol=true column.3.shortview=false column.3.stretch=50 column.3.textmode=true column.3.valuefield=task:name column.3.valueformat=HTML column.3.width=120 column.4.isInlineEditable=false column.4.link.linkproperty.0.name=ID column.4.link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=opTask:ID column.4.link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=string column.4.link.lookup=link.view column.4.link.valuefield=opTask:objCode column.4.link.valueformat=val column.4.linkedname=opTask column.4.listsort=nested(opTask).string(name) column.4.shortview=false column.4.stretch=50 column.4.textmode=true column.4.valuefield=opTask:name column.4.valueformat=HTML column.4.width=120 Actual start date: column.9.isInlineEditable=false column.9.linkedname=task column.9.listsort=nested(task).atDateAsAtDate(actualStartDate) column.9.name=Actual Start Date column.9.sharecol=true column.9.shortview=false column.9.stretch=0 column.9.textmode=true column.9.valuefield=task:actualStartDate column.9.valueformat=atDate column.9.width=100 column.10.isInlineEditable=false column.10.linkedname=opTask column.10.listsort=nested(opTask).atDateAsAtDate(actualStartDate) column.10.shortview=false column.10.stretch=0 column.10.textmode=true column.10.valuefield=opTask:actualStartDate column.10.valueformat=atDate column.10.width=1


Level 2
I figured out the issue - workrequired should be workRequired