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Closed Tasks on the Timesheet


Level 4
Can anyone review for me or point me towards an article that details the criteria of what Tasks show up on a Timesheet? A lot of users, myself included, tend to have Tasks that show up on our list of billable tasks on the timesheet that are either closed or at least marked as "Done With My Part". These are NOT tasks that have been made sticky or been added from the timesheet view. Some disappear as expected once a task is complete, others stay for some undetermined amount of time (including permanently). Anyone else experience these irregularities?
5 Replies


Level 7
Have you checked "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/218084337-Criteria-for-an-Object-to-Appear-on-Timesheets" this article?


Level 4
Had not seen it (I find the search feature on the support site doesn't return great results unless you already know what the article you are looking for is titled). Thank you for that. Given that, I have a number of unpinned, closed, due date past tasks that are on my timesheet, as do a number of our users. Is anyone else seeing this behavior?


Level 4
Jason, Did you go into your Timesheet preferences in setup and look at your Pre-Populate Timesheets with... section? Do you have any of those checked? This might be why you're seeing these tasks. Thanks, Michelle


Level 4
This does explain it. A combination of multiple factors conspiring against us. Thanks all!


Level 3
In addition to the published rules, I have discovered that completed tasks remain on timesheets when configured to pre-populate, even after the configured amount of time (e.g., 2 weeks) when the Planned Completion Date is within the time range of the timesheet. Example, with a 2 week pre-populate window, Task A completed 3 weeks ago, but its Planned Completion Date is still in the future. Task A pre-populates on this week's timesheet. Admitted, this situation may be rare, in that the task planned to complete in the future was completed very early on. I reported it to Workfront. But need follow up on it.