Doug, Great synopsis of the Hours and Timesheets functionality! There is one element that I wanted to clarify to ensure the desired result is achieved:
"By design, any Hour whose Entry Date falls within such as span is "on" that Timesheet"
Any Hour submitted during a Timesheet Interval (Start Date/End Date) will automatically be added to the Timesheet.
Any Hour submitted after a Timesheet Interval will only be added to the Timesheet if the Timesheet Status is "Open".
Timesheets with the Status of "Submitted" or "Approved" will be locked and will not include Hours entered outside of the Timesheet Interval.
These Hours will be easy to identify in a filter because they will not have a TimesheetID associated.
Some other knowledge points related to Hours/Timesheets:
Hours and Timesheets are mutually exclusive objects in Workfront
Hours can exist without a Timesheet
Non-Project Hours (General, Sick, Vacation, etc.) exists only on a Timesheet
Hours and Timesheets each have their own Statuses and Approval Workflow
Start in the "Open" Status, which enables a user to add Hours for Projects, Tasks, or Issues within the Timesheet Interval
Once a User has completed their Timesheet, they have a button available to change the Status to "Submitted"
If there are no Timesheet Approvers defined for the Timesheet Profile, there are no additional workflow steps required
Otherwise, the Approver will be able to view/update the User Timesheet and can either change the Status to "Approved" or "Rejected", which will automatically notify the User to update
A Timesheet Approver is only responsible for validating the Hours entered are consistent with expectations for each User
When a new Hour is entered into Workfront, it is automatically issued a Status of "Submitted"
The Project Owner has the responsibility to review Hours entered onto their Project to ensure they are aligned with expected estimates (Planned Hours) and are associated with the correct assignment and/or the date entered against.
They will then be able to update the Status of the Hours to "Approved" or "Rejected"
There is no formal notification to a User for "Rejected" Hours so the Project Owner should add a Note to ensure they are aware of the change
Any notes added will be visible on the Timesheet by a Timesheet Approver or User
Billing Records
If a company is interested in using Billing Records to reconcile and lock Hours and Expenses, they should consider updating their preferences to only include "Approved" Hours to ensure accuracy and reporting.
This will enable anyone managing this process to identify Hours entered outside of a Timesheet Interval (no TimesheetID) and restrict Users from modifying Hours previously reconciled.
Hope this helps to add some additional clarification to the overall process.
Dave Jones - Hazcode
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