Hi - In Setup, under Project Preferences, Projects, and the Timelines section, what do you have for Typical Hours Per Day? You might need to change it from 7.5 to 12. HOWEVER...
It is a global setting so much that all users in your instance need a 12 hour work day
There will need to be some clean up for your projects already in your system. We learned when we changed it from 7 to 8 a few years ago, that the Typical Hours Per Day also controls what 1 day duration means in your schedule. Explain more below
When we changed from 7 to 8, we had to go back through all our schedules because the tasks changed from 1 Day to 0.88 days. This is because when a task is created, the 1 day duration is given an hour value (typical hours per day), but it is a one-time look up, not dynamic. So when we changed the value all of our tasks got messed up. In your case, 1 day durations will change to 0.625 days. So if your Typical Hours Per Day in Settings is 7.5, I'd contact your support person first and ask if there is any help they can give you about updating that to 12 hours without it messing up all your tasks. Because trust me, it was a very long Christmas break for Kathy and I when we had to go through over a thousand projects to fix them. Anthony Imgrund FCB