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Can We Use lastUpdateDate at Project, User, Issue, and Task Level to Filter Records? - Help with Query Error


Level 1

Hello Workfront Community,

I am currently working with the Workfront API and trying to filter records using the lastUpdateDate parameter. However, I am encountering an error when attempting to query for records using this field.

I am trying to use the following query to fetch project-level records based on the lastUpdateDate field:
Invalid Parameter: lastUpdateDate value "2023-05-24T23:46:03Z"

My question is:

  1. Can we use lastUpdateDate to filter records at the Project, User, Issue, and Task levels?
  2. If yes, could you please help me understand how to properly format the lastUpdateDate parameter for filtering records at these levels?
  3. Is there any specific syntax or rules I need to follow for the lastUpdateDate field across different entity types (e.g., project, task, user, issue)?

Any assistance or examples would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your guidance!

Ujjwal Kumar

3 Replies


Level 3

Doen't the search function use modifiers like - "eq, ne ... " and others? See details here - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-api/api-general-informati...

Make sure you scroll down to the "Using Search Modifiers" section to check.


Community Advisor
You date format is too short: 
if you are pasting it as text, it should include milliseconds I think, e.g.
and I second the comment about modifiers. Your current expression is targeting specific moment in time, you will want to do "last update date" + e.g. _Mod greater/smaller than
full example:


Level 3

Great point on the date time value!