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Calculated fields on Issue form to pull in the Queue Topic and Queue Topic Group name


Level 4



I'm working on creating two custom fields on an issue custom form where I want to pull in the Queue Topic Name and the Queue Topic Group Name. I feel like I'm close but WF won't accept. Here's what I have:


Queue Topic Name - 

IF(ISBLANK(Queue Topic Name),Queue Topic.Name,Queue Topic Name)

Queue Topic Group Name - 

IF(ISBLANK(Queue Topic.Parent Topic Group.Name),Queue Topic.Parent Topic.Name,Queue Topic Name.Parent Topic Group.Name)


Thanks for your help!



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

sorry for the misunderstanding, Surya -- your calculated field syntax is otherwise correct (and M's is old and outdated). M would want to use your syntax and add the IF/ISBLANK to it in order to cover all the based: i.e. a working calculation that doesn't overwrite itself.

View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 3

Hi Michelle,


The queue topic and the topic group do not change after the request is submitted, you don't need the IF and ISBLANK for either of them. The following should work:

Queue Topic Name: {queueTopic}.{name}

Queue Topic Group Name: {queueTopic}.{parentTopicGroup}.{name}





Community Advisor

I would tend to disagree. If I don't miss my guess, a queue topic and topic group name can change when they get accidentally or purposefully deleted. Coding in an isblank would protect against this risk.


Level 3

Don't think I have seen that happen when an issue is deleted but if maybe the queue topic/group is removed then it might make sense.

@MMcAnelly if you do want to take that into account, you might have to create the respective fields first with no calculation and then add the calculation you have. I have noticed in the past that it does not reference itself in the calculation unless the field is already created.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

sorry for the misunderstanding, Surya -- your calculated field syntax is otherwise correct (and M's is old and outdated). M would want to use your syntax and add the IF/ISBLANK to it in order to cover all the based: i.e. a working calculation that doesn't overwrite itself.