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Automating workfront


Level 4
Is anyone aware of any first or third party ways to automate repetitive tasks in WorkFront? I'm currently having to edit all the tasks in all projects to set a finance option to "Role Hourly". When you have hundreds of projects with thousands of tasks, this is highly repetitive. Any way to script this? Secondly, we've started billing our projects using the billing functions this month, and we have to add a new billing record to each project and add that months time to each monthly record for all open projects. It's another thing that seems like it should be automated and could be run once a month on the billing day if it were scripted in some way. Any help or insight into possible solutions would be great. Thanks!

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4 Replies


Level 5
Andrew, You may want to change the default to set this correctly for proejcts going forward. Your default for Cost Type parameter is set in the Setup area, Project Preferences, Tasks & Issues. For existing tasks, I'd recommend doing a mass update. Create a report that has the tasks that need to be updated, Open the full list, check the top line, go to the end and Shift-Click the last line's checkbox. Then click EDIT and set the cost type. This mass update will correct all selected tasks.


Level 7
" check the top line, go to the end and Shift-Click the last line's checkbox." (or just click the check box at the top to select all) :-)


Level 10
Hi Andrew, We've just started trialling Azuqua's integration platform and I can see some potential for automating this sort of stuff too.....early days for us so I can't say if/how you could do it but I think it should be a good option for some of the routine admin functions which can't be automated within Workfront itself. Cheers, David


Level 4
Good to hear, and thanks for the comments all. Appreciate it.