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Automatic Reminders in Workfront - Due Date


Level 2


we have Automatic Reminders turned on in Workfront but I am trying to understand which date it is using to constitute something as overdue.

Example: A task was entered on 2/27/2024 and a due date was set for 4/9/2024. The due date later was changed to 6/1/2024 and then again to 8/1/2024.

The automatic reminder seems to only look at the first due date (4/9/2024) and does not take into consideration the due dates that were updated later.

Has anyone else found this to be happening?

If so, this is a bit frustrating since I know the due date has not yet passed but the automatic reminder makes it seem like it is way overdue. Shouldn't it look at the current due date to determine if a task is overdue?


Any help or insight is appreciated.


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5 Replies


Level 2

Hello -


The only thing I can think of is when the use clicks "work on it' they are committing to have it done by the first due date. So the system may be using that as the automatic reminder date, even though the date has been updated they have committed to have it done sooner.


Had a similar problem on the old My Work list, items would look late even through they weren't since the user had clicked work on it. Wondering if you change the Team Settings so that Work On It does not automatically update the status of a Task to In Progress that would fix it? 



Community Advisor

Was the due date changed AFTER the date had passed and the reminder was already sent? I remember reading something somewhere that it won't reset the reminder if it's already triggered the reminder and then the date is changed. 


Community Advisor

Found the documentation link where I read this: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/basics/use-notifications/wf-notifications...


If the deadline changes after a user receives a reminder notification, the user doesn’t receive another reminder notification.


Level 2

I am talking about automatic reminders which I understood to be different from reminder notifications:



For late notifications, the email is sent nightly until the task or issue is completed.


This is not my issue though. Thr problem I have is with the due date of the automatic reminder looks at. I think it should look at the currently entered planned completion date and not at a planned completion date that was set in the very beginning when it was thought to be achievable but due to different circumstances had to be changed.



Community Advisor


Hi @WibkeKu,


On a hunch, I wonder if Recalculate Timelines might help the situation, and if so, invite you to consider our Recalc Helper, which we recently improved, which is why it came to mind. Happy to chat further via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com.


