Hi, I am trying to load data via API into Power BI, with two status fields included: Status and Condition from the standard API Project list. I want to show the full status name, e.g. "Dead" instead of "DED", or condition name "On Target" instead of "ON". Is there a way to do this in the API URL string? Here is my current API:
https://zionsmgtit.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/project/search?fields= name&fields=actualCost&fields=status&fields=DE:Current Project Budget&fields=DE: Budget Status&fields=DE:Forecasted Costs ETC&fields=DE:Current Planned Target Date&fields=DE:ITESC Approved&fields=condition&fields=DE:Risk / Issue Status&fields=DE:Schedule Status&fields=DE:Program&method=get&apiKey=eocct5nq91g4t0tf1gv5isc6vyi2rlka Here is a screenshot of what shows in Power BI:
Brett Coulam Zions Bancorp