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Anyone know how to use the API to search for projects meeting either priority 1 or 2?


Level 1
Anyone know how to use the API to search for projects meeting either priority 1 or 2? I can find priority 1 in a single request. I can find priority 2 in a single request. How do I return both in the same API request? Thx!

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2 Replies


Level 2
Hi Tim, You can request multiple priorities by adding on the same field with a different value. /attask/api/v5.0/project/search?priority=1&priority=2 You can also use a modifier to grab all priorities greater / less than... /attask/api/v5.0/project/search?priority=2&priority_Mod=lte The greater than/less than etc. modifiers can be found on Filter and Condition Modifiers within the support site. Thanks!


Level 1
Thanks! Works great. P.S. Don't use SoapUI with this approach...it doesn't like having the same parameter more than once in a single request. Much appreciated!