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Allowing other workers to upload and new proof WITHOUT having to individually permission.


Level 2

Designer A make proof V1. Designer A goes on vacation, Designer B makes V2. We have to permission Design B to upload the new proof version.

Is there a systemic "always on" permission setting that allows all Designer/Workers to upload a view proof version with that traffic/admin having to individually permission each time?

~ Bradley


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3 Replies


Level 4

Hi Bradley, create a team of all the designers and then, in the template, assign the team contribute project sharing rights. This will cover any member of the team who needs to access any project created using that template. Or for ad hoc assignments, assign the team to whichever project needs to be shared by any designer and their back-up. Does this answer your question?


Level 2

Hello Alyssa ~

Thank you. I assume you mean the workflow template in ProofHQ. I do have a team of the designers, already.




Level 4

I am referring to the project workflow template, not the proof workflow template. In my experience, proof workflows lack flexibility in their automation. I believe the assignment would need to be manually reassigned—unless it is going into a feed.