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Agile Update - Issues No Longer Available on the Backlog


Level 3
Hello everyone, We introduced a new Agile feature with the 17.3 release last week that would allow you to merge tasks and issues on the backlog and story board. Based on your feedback, we decided to roll back that functionality tonight from both Preview and Production. Our team identified some issues that might have impacted your ability to take full advantage of the Agile tool. Since we are dedicated to providing you with a positive and seamless experience, we are rolling the functionality back. You should continue to have access to existing functionality, including tasks on the Backlog tab, as well as filters, views, and groupings on the Stories tab. We're working on re-releasing the ability to show both tasks and issues on the backlog with some improvements in 18.1: An enhanced design and increased scalability. Ability to apply any custom filters, groups, and views that you have created, allowing you to manage all of the work related to an interation easily and quickly from one backlog, getting as granular as you'd like. We're sending this notification out through the Announcement Center as well. To stay updated with all details around the 2017.3 release, see the "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001051834" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001051834&source=gmail&ust=1510702172993000&usg=AFQjCNFifZQY1FVXZafaEl8uZM-WIaIkYQ" rel="noopener" style="background-color: #ffffff;">2017.3 release page . Thanks for all of your feedback, it does help us make better decisions! Carina Wytiaz Workfront
1 Reply


Level 3
I participated in the Workfront 2018.1 preview release webinar today. No one mentioned the Agile functionality that was rolled back in November. When will we be able to see stories and issues in Agile story boards and lists? NOTE This functionality was removed from the Production environment on November 14, 2017. It is planned to be reintroduced to the Preview environment early in 2018 with an enhanced design and increased stability. It will be available in the Production environment with the 2018.1 release. Diane Van Hoozer University of Iowa Center for Advancement