I'm here to ask if anyone has already migrate your Workfront Instance to Adobe Admin Console. I have a lot of doubts and I want to know how it worked, pros and cons, if it affect to Workfront in anyway.
We are currently in the process of the migration. We received an email from WF Support with details and then have had a couple of calls to discuss the migration plan. Our IT owns our current Admin Console for other products and we are planning to add WF to our existing console for ease and centralization into 1 console. We have made it to the testing stage right now but we have had to work through some internal process changes as we are shifting ownership of account creation from me (I sit in Marketing) to the IT team. I hope this is helpful.
@KierstenKollins have you sent out any notification or email to the users on your workfront platform what they will experience at the cutover?
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We are planning on sending a simple communication the day before the migration so they know what they will need to do.
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Hi, Kiersten, It appears that my situation is very similar to yours. I am Mktg Ops and Mktg owns Workfront, however, IT owns the Adobe Admin Console.
I was wondering you whether have you have access to the admin console when Workfront has been migrated?
Also curious whether you lost any Workfront Admin access/functionality other than account creation? or was that voluntary?
I am unsure of what to expect. Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Rhonda,
I do have access to the Admin Console but use it right now for visibility purposes.
IT is now the first step in adding a user to Workfront. IT will add a new user to the console and assign them a group in the console and which products (Prod, Preview, Sandbox) they should have access to.
Once they are added to the console, I will take it from there. I have full control as the Workfront Admin within Workfront to add the new user to groups, teams, roles, access, etc. in Workfront.
IT and myself aligned that it did not make sense for them to own the user set up in Workfront as I have been owning the tool for the last 5 years and I know who should go where and what access they need to have. I also need full oversight to know who is being added and where we stand on license counts for our contract.
During the migration planning, we spent the most time working through what our intake process was going to be like for new users requesting access. We met a few times and aligned on what would make the most sense for our end users, IT tracking and myself to get the information I needed. We were in agreement to find the most efficient process for all (end users, IT and myself) that would be trackable and easy for us to work through. We did not experience any tension issues as we worked through this process. IT was very supportive and I am happy to have the new support as there are things that I would have not been able to resolve without the IT team's help in the console.
I hope this is helpful.
Hi, as you have already migrated to admin console, can you please help share any limitations of migrating? Would be helpful. Thank you
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Hi there, no feedback as we only just got the email from Support last night to begin this process. Would love to hear any feedback from you though, if you've begun!
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Hey there! If you are still having doubts on that let me know. I am from Admin console team for Experience Cloud also known as CXI team. We are responsible for assisting in those migrations with the Workfront migration teams. So if you have any specific concerns I would love to answer those.
For now let me get some resources in your hands here which might help answer some questions:
Here is some links on Workfront related to Admin console and its documentation to help you out:
I am working on a care package to kinda help with understanding the console and training for new admins as well that I will get posted up here soon as a seperate post for people to find but I will also include it here that goes through Admin console and just some general trainings I threw together that you can review. And then here is a bunch I put together on just Admin console.
Anyways hopefully this will help answer some of your concerns!