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Add new project to request


Level 1
I have a new project template I need to show as a New Request, but just can't seem to figure out how to do it. What am I missing?
6 Replies


Level 3
Can you provide a bit more information on this? Where are you trying to get a project template to show as a request? Would love to help, just need a bit more info! Allison Lippert Workfront allisonlippert@workfront.com


Level 1
Needs to show in the New Request drop down (cannot insert images or add attachments for examples) Ed Selby


Level 7
Hey Ed, In order for a request queue to appear in the "New Request" drop down, it has to meet 2 qualifications: 1) It has to have the box checked under Queue Setup to be a request queue, see the image here: http://drop.workfront.com/e94bd1aa4bc8 2) It has to be in a status that equates with Current. -- Many of the customers I have worked with over the years have opted to create a custom project status that equates with Current, and usually call it something along the lines of "Request Queues". I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 1
" It has to be in a status that equates with Current. -- Many of the customers I have worked with over the years have opted to create a custom project status that equates with Current, and usually call it something along the lines of "Request Queues"." I don't see this as a setup option in a project template. Can you please clarify? Ed Selby Owens & Minor


Level 7
Hey Ed, You won't be able to do it on templates, and templates can't be set up as help request queues, only projects. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 3
A request queue is used to accept requests for a project, deliverable, etc. These request queues are set up as their own project and have queue topics (the options that show up in the request dropdown), routing rules, etc. The project that houses the request queue has to meet the conditions that Dustin outlined in his note. A project template is used to create a new project. A project template would be used when converting the request (which is an issue object type in Workfront) into a project. At that point, you would be applying the project template. So the project template is NOT going to show up as a request option. That setup needs to be done through the request queue itself. There's a course called Queue Management in Workfront Ascent that explains the whole request queue setup process. There are also several help articles on support.workfront.com. Creating request queues https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217472617-Creating-a-Request-Queue Queue topics https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/226777247-Creating-Queue-Topics Allison Lippert Workfront allisonlippert@workfront.com