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Actual Hours filter in project report not working as expected


Level 2
We have projects that span more than one year. The Actual Hours field in a Project report seems to pull all hours on the project regardless of whether those hours were recorded this year. I need just the hours from this year. Adding a filter for Actual Hours > Entry Date: 'This Year' doesn't seem to do anything. I've been experimenting with text mode in a column to try to only get hours from this year. Here's what I've tried to no avail: valueexpression=IF(YEAR({hour}.{entryDate})=YEAR($$TODAY),{actualWorkRequired},"") Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, Chris Jackson CheckMark

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7 Replies


Level 10
I think if you need that, you're going to need a different report. An hours report would definitely give a better result for that. -skye


Level 2
I've made the same report as an Hours report, and it does give me good results as far as filtering only hours entered this year. But it also gives me every hour entry on a project in the Detail report, which is quite tedious. People are asking for a summary by job, which I can get in the Matrix view, but it's not ideal. Hence trying to find a way to do this with the Project report. But maybe it's just not meant to be. Thanks. Chris Jackson CheckMark


Level 10
just wondering (since i have not tried it) - is there not a good enough rollup in the summary tab? -skye


Level 2
Right. The Matrix tab will give me totals per project, or totals per project type (from custom form), but will not total both. The Details tab gives me totals per project, but way too much details about hour entries. So basically people can't get all the info they need on one page, they have to switch back and forth between Detals and Matrix. Maybe we're just too picky, but it seems like a Project Report will give me exactly what we want if it will only show me hours for this year. Lost cause? Chris Jackson CheckMark


Level 10
Hi Chris, Once the previous year(s) hours are done and dusted, perhaps you could make a once-per-year update into a "Hours Prior To This Year" custom data parameter at the Project level, with a second calculated parameter called "Hours This Year" that simply subtracts the former from the (ever changing) total actual hours, thereby giving you the simple answer at the Project that you seek. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
Thanks for your reply Doug. Interesting idea. I'm trying to work through it now. It seems like you're suggesting a manual entry here "perhaps you could make a once-per-year update into a "Hours Prior To This Year" custom data parameter at the Project level". Am I reading that right? If so, I'm not sure that will work. We just have way too many projects to keep up with that. Is there a way to calculate the Hours entered on a Project on a custom form or column? The project tracks Actual Hours, but it doesn't parse them by Entry Date. The Hours tab on a Project does, but I'm guessing that's a different table. Chris Jackson CheckMark


Level 10
Yep: you're tracking, Chris, I encourage you to manually model it with a few sample projects first (aka "Get the Math Right, then Speed it up Later") by: creating and running an Hours Report for all Hours entered prior to 2018, summed, grouped by project to get the right numbers enter a few of those numbers manually into the Project Level custom parameter I described confirm that the math in the calculated parameter works a expected (i.e. Hours This Year) as Actual Hours are being entered (noting that you might need to recalculate the custom data periodically) If that all works, you could then choose whichever process suits your time and budget best, by (for example): making such report > sum > updates an annual manual event for the PMs (no one's favorite, admittedly) consider using our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/excel-updater/">Excel Updater solution to make such updates in a more efficient manner (a "one day a year" event) consider using our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/ubercalc/">UberCalc solution to make such updates in an automated manner (e.g. "nightly, just in case") if need be, consider using our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/force-custom-data-double-recalc/">Recalc Parameters solution to ensure the Hours This Year remains current, or if you have the means and talent, use Fusion and/or the API to construct something specific yourself that does all of the above Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads