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Ability to Block Users From Viewing Sys Admin User Updates


Level 3
hello...As the system admin for our instance, I am responsible for deactivating users when they are terminated. This can be confidential info, and at times, deactivation occurs prior to the news being announced to the company. So I need to be able to block other users from being able to see the updates on My Profile page. Is there a way to do this?

Chris Levitsky Guidemark Health
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi: When you deactivate someone, that information becomes available throughout the system. Blocking the updates on My profile is going to hide a portion of the many ways people will know. How about trying this? Instead of deactivating them, first disable their account: Remove their ability to log in, give them a bogus email address (I append _NO to their email address), or give them a bogus SSO ID (I append _NO to their SSO ID); Remove their visibility into things by assigning them to a "Pre-Deactivate Group" and a "Pre-Deactivate Team". Remove all other group and team memberships; Then, when it can be announced, deactivate them. I bet others on the forum can come up with things to add to the list, above. Thanks,


Level 3
I've become a big fan and user of the scheduled deactivation date . This one comes with a time component, though I haven't used it myself. I always deactivate someone at midnight. We get reports each day, but people may be leaving 1-2 weeks later. Then I use the scheduled deactivation. This update doesn't show up in User update section. One caveat. If users have access to a User report, then they can add the scheduled deactivation date to it and see future deactivations. I'd say any which way, a savvy user who's looking for this information can find it. The most surreptitious option would be deactivate someone when they have been notified. Srini Anand Ameritas


Level 10
Chris, When we started with Workfront 3 years ago, I experienced the same issues that you are asking about. I did work with Workfront in the past & they were not able to provide a solution that was workable for us. They suggested a custom form/field, but in my organization, we usually create new users by "Copy From" another user and we have found that when we do this - the custom form info comes over too. (Ex: We have "employee #'s which are like a SS#. I want this in Workfront on the User profile, but when I do this - it appears for my new user - so I can't do this.) Other workarounds are just too cumbersome and time-consuming for an Admin. Possibly things have changed/improved over the last few years & there is a better option now. What I would like is a native Admin update field that is not public. I know I had this logged in the prior WF Enhancement request system & I'll have to see if it is logged in their new Idea Exchange. (prior requests were not brought over to the new system) Marie Marie Kelly The MetroHealth System


Level 10
I found an Idea Exchange item I logged on this issue. If anyone is interested, please vote! "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004932548-Provide-Admins-the-abiilty-to-add-comments-that-cannot-be-seen-by-all-users?page=1#community_comment_360000124973" title="Link to Idea Exchange Item">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004932548-Provide-Admins-the-abiilty-to-ad... Marie Kelly The MetroHealth System