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A favor to upvote new idea exchange item


Level 9
Here's a new request in the idea exchange for adding functionality to custom fields and reporting... So that you could report on when the last time a predetermined CF was updated on a given project/task/issue etc... Thoughts? "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360015357673-Last-Entry-Date-on-Specific-Custom-Fields" Last update value to Custom Fields JohnSeitz ESPN

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2 Replies


Level 5
John, as you may know, Workfront keeps track of when fields are updated via Journal Entries. Here's another feature request asking for Journal Entries to be reportable. It has 35 votes. "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004132273-Report-on-the-update-feed">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115004132273-Report-on-the-update-feed In the meantime, you can leverage the API to auto-populate a separate custom field with the date/time another field was last modified. This would be reportable. For example, if you wanted to know when a field, "Creative Brief", was last changed, an automation would regularly look for new Journal Entries for this field. Upon finding an entry, the automation would update another field, "Creative Brief - Last Modified", with the date on the entry. This could be done via Fusion or Code. Scott


Level 10
Hi John, I has a use case where I had turned on tracking for a specific field and learned that I had to report this out via the API. Someone in the community (name escapes me) posted a great suggestion that led me to an API query that would return the old and new value for the field. In my example, I'm looking for the old and new value for a specific field that was changed, and who made the change. Here is the API query that I used: "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/jrnle/search?fields=fieldName,oldDateVal,newDateVal,editedBy:name&projectID=YOUR_PROJECT_ID&projectID_Mod=in&fieldName=plannedCompletionDate&fieldName_Mod=in&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&method=get">https:// YOUR_DOMAIN .my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/jrnle/search? fields=fieldName,oldDateVal,newDateVal ,editedBy:name&projectID= YOUR_PROJECT_ID &projectID_Mod=in& fieldName=plannedCompletionDate &fieldName_Mod=in&apiKey= YOUR_API_KEY &method=get Here is the post that I used to arrive at the solution: If you're handy with the API you can actually query the journal object and get all the data. A sample query is as follows (of course, add in the relevant object ID or search parameters and your API key): "https://yourinstance.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v7.0/jrnle/search?project:ID=aaa123&fields=*&apiKey=bbb456"> yourinstance.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v7.0/jrnle/... We use this type of query to source the data so we can send alerts to users when certain kinds of changes are made to particular fields by particular people on particular kinds of tasks/projects. We use Azuqua to run the queries on schedule and send the alerts. An example of the JSON-formatted data returned for one of these journal entries is as follows. You can see the fieldName which was changed, along with the changeType and what the oldTextVal and newTextVal were for this example of a custom field edit on a task.