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2018-1 Beta 4 Proofing enhancements


Level 7
Hello, Has anyone gotten the new Open Proof drop-down functions to work? So far we only get error messages when trying to open any proof from any proof button/link. Also, both the Proof Details and Print Summary options don't seem to do anything at all. Granted, don't have Premium Proofing so perhaps these features are linked to that? And if so, I would rather they didn't appear when this is launched to our live environment. Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group

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14 Replies


Level 4
I have tried to open the proofs in the preview mode as well. No luck either. It just keeps spinning. Samantha Senior Specialist, Creative Services 817-424-2186 P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail and other reports


Level 7
Ahahaha! I was just told by WF support that proofing is not accessible in Preview Sandbox by design and I should submit a feature request to have proofing turned on in Preview! Here's support's reply: Barbara, After researching this more extensively, proofs are accessible only through Production. Preview is used to show that certain documents are proofs, but they cannot be accessed. To access them, you would need to go into Production. If you wish to have this changed in the future, I would suggest submitting a Feature Request through our Idea Exchange. Let me know if you have any other questions regarding this. Anybody out there with feedback on the fact that all of a sudden proofing is inaccessible in Preview? How were we supposed to test the new HTML5 proofing tool? Or all the new proofing features? Help me... Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
Barbara, let me know if you want to get on a web conference and share screens with me (to see my screen). As of January 16, I had the ability to generate proofs in Preview and open them. I just got back from vacation and don't have time to re-test it today, but MY expectation is that I can upload a file and generate and open the resulting proof in Workfront's Preview environment. That said, I do have a ticket open with Support, asking a few different questions. 1) I originally opened the ticket because I could not open existing proofs and could not generate new ones. 2) the original problem is partway fixed. They determined that my proofs were not syncing correctly. Now (as I mentioned above) I should be able to generate the new proofs. Still cannot open the old ones (red popup error message) 3) Last week while out I got an update saying "you should be able to access all of your proofs on Thursday 2/1". We can compare screens to make sure we are experiencing the same things, or you are welcome to submit a support ticket that references my ticket number 1121862, but either way I don't understand what Support means when they say "proofing is not accessible in Preview Sandbox by design". I have it. Many people I know of, have it. -skye


Level 7
Hey @Skye Boardman The support person has replied to say that they were mistaken regarding proofing capabilities in Preview (side note, they claimed that a couple of releases back that you could not view proofs in Preview). I've now given them access to our Preview site so they can check it out. Your experience, particularly the red error, sounds familiar to what we have also! I'll update our ticket to add your ticket number. My original ticket to support stated that when you select a proof document, the details tab doesn't really load, you get a spinning "loading..." message that never loads. Also that we get the red error message when trying to open any proof. Thanks! Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
Good to note. By the way, my input to my CSM from a few weeks ago is that I regularly have a more difficult time with getting support on my Proof issues than on my other workfront issues. For whatever reason they regularly seem to give me the wrong answer (for example, asking me to clear my cache or play with my google settings, when I ask them why my proof generation is experiencing a lag). As a result, I definitely take all responses from support with a big bowl of salt. Let me know if you don't have an answer to this on Thursday and this way, if I have forgotten, it will remind me to check my Preview and see if my issue is resolved. -skye


Level 7
Will do! Yes, I hear you on unhelpful responses. The first response I got was to change my Chrome Flash setting for the LIVE site... Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 7
Updating the situation on our end -- our support contact has also referenced the syncing issue and that a new sync will run Feb. 1. However, as of today, proofing on Preview is working again, along with the new proofing viewer and proofing features. I'll keep my eye on it to make sure it stays this way (we've asked some of our users to test out the new features). Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
Thanks for updating. I was just in preview checking on a few things for a conference call, and can confirm that I now am able to access all existing proofs and generate new ones without error. Having said that, and comparing proofs between preview and live environments, I will be noting that the display of the proofs in Preview is not as sharp as that of the live environment, and the text selection tool is not as accurate at full page view in Preview mode. Maybe this is because the text selection tool went from being an I-beam to being crosshairs. But whatever it is, I find I have to zoom in to page-width view to make an exact text selection. -skye


Level 7
I definitely agree with sharpness. The proof only seems to be clear and sharp when displayed at 100 percent zoom and perhaps a few other zoomed in levels. Selecting text was ok. Perhaps not as good as the I bar as you suggest though. I submitted that as feedback via the little speech bubble. Question, how do you normally provide product feedback during beta releases? Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
For the text selection: I am finding that on an 8.5x11 page at full page view, I have a high probability of missing the first character in a paragraph that I am trying to select. I think it's just getting used to the new cursor? But it is going to irk users here because all we do is select text all day long. For the providing feedback question--Good question and I'm going to answer very generically for historical record: it depends on my level of distress. If I am very distressed, I will use every step below, otherwise I will pick and choose. [the speech bubble thing is still pretty new to me and I don't know whether that replaces step 1, or what it does.] 1) Standard operating procedure in the past has been to report issues to Support. I hardly ever go this route, and it's really more to report something that definitely is not working as expected or to ask if something is working as expected. The workflow adopted by Support to troubleshoot an issue is often not quite the direction I need to go in, so we are often at cross purposes here. I also feel that Support tends to be a catch-all for everything so it's more difficult for me to get traction in specialized cases. Lastly, I feel that Proof is less well-supported than other features and more likely to trigger a canned response as a result. 2) CSM: Workfront Proof and our experience of it is crucial to my team's success, and if anyone were to feel very strongly about this as well, my advice to them would be to start escalating up through their CSM. This is because at the very least, everyone has a CSM--their one connection into Workfront, which can lead them to connect with other relevant parties. Your CSM should be able to for example, evaluate your concern and determine your next connection point (e.g. connect you to the Product Manager for Proof, or speak on your behalf, or set you up in a team meeting or...). 3A) Using Community to network: Additional to this set of features about to be released: Have you seen Trae's post in the Global Discussions area? Trae Winterton is the new UX designer and was offering blocks of time for people conference in with him and talk to him about what they liked about the Workfront UX and what they didn't like. My concerns with the new release all revolve around a feeling that the new UI will be less efficient to use than the old, so I hopped on Trae's calendar to talk specifically from a UX perspective. I highly recommend that if there is something UX related in Proof that you feel passionate about, that you do the same. If Trae hears enough voice coming out of the Proof group, he will spend more time here accordingly and we can only benefit from better UX design. 3B) Using Community as your voice: simply by discussing your concerns on a public forum, you can catch the eye of Workfront staff who are reading this and can amplify your concerns to the right staff (for example, the Community manager, support techs and Product have all been caught from time to time, reading and answering posts). Your concerns are also read by other Workfront users who can confirm/validate your concerns and report up through their chains (their CSMs and their network contacts). -skye


Level 2
I can confirm that the discussions in the community are seen by Workfront staff and have a positive impact on our decisions and direction. :) Tracy Smith Workfront


Level 7
Thanks again @Skye Boardman ! I really wasn't sure the best approach. So far we've mostly been going with the flow as releases come out but for this release, we've gotten a group of volunteers from each of our user roles to assess the new Home interface and proofing features coming out in the next release so I'll have a lot more feedback this time around. I have gleaned that many here on the community seem to go to support to report feedback but as you say, that could mostly be for things that don't work or don't seem to work as the customer expects. I reported the proofing issues in Preview this time only because I wanted it to be fixed for my volunteer group to have a look. Otherwise, I tend to agree with everything you said about going to support... I think I'll start with providing feedback here and raise severe issues with our CSM. Look for our feedback later today or Monday! Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
Updating the situation on our end. 1) The syncing issue was briefly fixed last week and has resurfaced (of course?) with the refresh over the weekend. I'm not going to pursue it for now, I just don't have time. Ultimately, new uploads in Preview continue to generate correctly, so we're still able to test proofs in Preview. 2) the I-beam to crosshairs change has been labeled as a bug, and will be undergoing fix so don't worry about that while you're testing. 3) I just sent them the info they asked for about the clarity of the proof in preview vs live environments. -skye


Level 6
Hi, Both sharpness of the proofs within the new proofing viewer and wrong cursor issues were fixed on our side and will go on the Preview next week (probably Wednesday) so you can check it. Thanks for the feedback. Andrzej Muca Product Manager Workfront