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Workfront Proof Download Quality


Level 1


Description -

The quality of the proof downloaded, viewing comments is severely compromised and the proof is incredibly blurry, so much so that it can be very difficult to make out the text within a PDF/document. It's also very time consuming because we need to download the marked up proof and it is delivered as an email. This can take several minutes to arrive. The solution of downloading a high-res proof is compromised because it takes even longer to download and takes up memory. We want to download a marked up PDF, which opens in Adobe Acrobat. 


Why is this feature important to you -

We want this because we have users who don't sit on the system so we need the ability to share these marked up proofs offline.


How would you like the feature to work -

We want to be able to allow users the proofing tool but when you download it, it downloads as a PDF with marked up comments. Leverage Adobe Acrobat to be able to view and work on higher quality proofs.



Community Advisor


I suspect that there is something that needs examination in your environment.  We have been long time Proof HQ users since before it was officially a part of Workfront and we have never seen the issues in proofing that you've described. 

Are you taking the proof and downloading it to your desktop and then opening it in Acrobat?  If so, nothing wrong with this, but generally the proofs are intended to be consumed and marked up in Workfront.

If you are looking at content in Acrobat, is it possible you need to configure your Acrobat viewing preferences?


Level 2


We would LOVE the ability to download the marked up pdf out of Workfront Proof when the reviews are completed in that tool as part of the integrated proofing experience. Currently the download feature is not a pdf with the mark ups clearly shown. It's some kind of summary document that does not clearly show text that was marked out or changed.