A Resource's Available Hours are only updated when a user is budgeted to work on a work item associated with their primary job role.
For example.
USER 1: Shane Parker
FTE = 1
Primary Job Role: Designer (Budgeted Capacity = 85%)
Secondary Job Role: CopyWriter (Budgeted Capacity = 15%)
The Job Roles are both part of the same Resource Pool.
The new Resource Planner subtab, only takes into account a user's Primary Job Role, so I can not budget resources correctly.
I have two projects using the same resource pool.
Project 1: requires a designer resource for 20 hours in 1 week
Project 2: requires a copywriter resource for 10 hours in 1 week.
When I budget Shane Parker to the designer work in Project 1, 20 hours are subtracted.
When I budget Shane Parker to the copywriter work in Project 2, 0 hours are subtracted.
"The Available Hours are populated only for the user fulfilling their primary job role on the project. The Available Hours for the user fulfilling their secondary job roles on the project is zero." (REF: https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006356928#job-role-name)