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Template Placeholder Roles based on User/Project Relationships


Community Advisor


In a project template, I want to assign certain tasks to users based on their relationship to the project, as opposed to their Job Role. E.g., I want to assign the task "Project Setup" to whichever user is the Project Owner. Or, assign "Set Project Priority" to whichever user is the Program Owner in which the project resides. Or, assign "Provide Follow Up Feedback" to whomever was the Converted Request Originator. In all these examples, there often isn't a placeholder role that can be assigned to the template task because the users referenced by these terms don't typically share the same set of job roles.

Why is this feature important to you
This feature would reduce the burden of project administration and user error, since there is currently no mechanism to make these types of assignments in bulk.


How would you like the feature to work
When a template is applied to a project, Workfront would replace these placeholder roles in the template tasks with whichever user is referenced (Project Owner, Project Sponsor, Program Owner, Portfolio Owner, Converted Request Originator, Project Owner Manager, Converted Request Originator Manager, etc.) 

Current Behaviour

No such capability exists currently. An admin would have to add every one of these roles to every user profile, and the PM would still need go through the multi-step process of making bulk assignments.

We do have a Fusion scenario in place to do this, but such a feature would be useful to all Workfront customers and reduce our dependence on Fusion scenarios to make assignments that should be possible without requiring an automation platform.