Current functionality: "Applying a filter does not change the allocation and availability data in the Resource Planner for projects, roles, or users. The filter changes only the amount of data that you see."
In order to use the Resource Planner as a resource budgeting tool, we need to be able to exclude the allocation data from projects when we filter out a particular status (such as Cancelled, Complete, Duplicate, we have a custom status called Below the Line - which means the project is not approved). It doesn't make sense to include allocation and availability data on projects in these statuses.
When we are resource planning a Portfolio we are not certain which projects will make it above or below our approved cut line. It ultimately comes down to capacity. Currently, in order to view where our capacity line resides in the Resource Planner, we have to manually remove budget data from projects with the Below the Line, Cancelled, Complete, Duplicate status. Based on the mix of projects we end up with, we may end up adding a project back in as approved (from Below the Line). Then we have to manually re-add the resource budget data. This is really problematic and creates a bunch of manual work/re-work.