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Search Keyword in Reports


Level 4


Description -
I'd like to be be able to search/filter within the report screen for key works.

Why is this feature important to you -
We have a lot of reports and the ability to search for key words to find a report is important to working more effectively.


How would you like the feature to work -

Similar to other areas of the system, add a search (magnifying glass) option within the reports screen.






Current Behaviour -

Currently, you have to screen through the list of reports.  The other option to to do a universal search in the header filtering to report records.  However, this not ideal.



Level 5


You can directly use Ctrl+F command to search for any report on the browser page itself. 




you can create 'Report' type report, then you will have search bar on top the report results. you can also create Prompt with report name, so that while running the report you can put your required filters.

(ex. report name contains xyz)


Level 10


I agree! Or place some sort of tagging on the report. Our current work around is the naming convention is very strict with the group name starting the report and then the report name so I can find them easier. The folders only work on my view as well.