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Proof reporting for stage deadlines in Workfront reports


Level 2


Description - Allow for reporting on specific stage deadlines from the proof workflow for a user to help them understand when THEIR comments/approval is needed by.  Right now it seems like you can only report on the "proof deadline" which is the latest due date set on one of the stages in the proof.  Users can't see their specific stage deadline unless they go to the document details page and then review the proofing workflow.  There's no reporting that seems to show these stage deadlines and that seems like a huge gap that should get fixed so users can see when their part of the work needs to be done by.  This should be accessible in reporting in general (Proof Approvals/Document Versions) as well as on the Homepage for users.


Why is this feature important to you - This gives more actionable reporting to users who need it and avoids confusion that happens right now when they can only see the final proof deadline instead of the dealine of their stage.


How would you like the feature to work - Include an option in reporting to show the deadline for the stage the user is on so they see their deadline. This field for stage deadline should also be accessible on the Homepage via layout templats so users can see their stage deadline when reviewing the proof from their homepage.


Current Behaviour - Individual stage deadlines are not available at this time which is a miss. Only the final proof deadline is available for display and this can cause confusion with users when they try to review their homepage or proof approval/document version reports.

1 Comment


Level 2


Apparently, this is a bug.  The Proof Deadline Date field shows the deadline date for the most recently activated stage, but it has one requirement: all stages on the proof workflow must have a deadline. With the "Workfront stage" added to the workflow, this condition is not met, so the deadline date cannot be displayed.
Adobe recommends adding this as an Idea to the Workfront Community page.

I have submitted this idea: Proof Deadline Date should not be blanked out on t... - Adobe Experience League Community - 699459


If you could please "Like" it, to help progress it along.