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Projects + Boards: child tasks as check list items **should** pull into parent task cards IN task order


Level 3


Description: We are looking to expand our use of the Boards feature but keep hitting road blocks based on limitations in functionality. We were recently told that parent tasks can be pulled in as cards and child tasks would make up the checklist items on on the subsequent cards. However, we were told that the child tasks often pull in to the check list out of the order they appear on the project even if linked as predecessors. Furthermore, when we asked how/when this would be resolved, we were told that this was not ON the roadmap to address...That doesn't make sense to me or my team. 


Why is this feature important to you: Two reasons. Without have child tasks appropriately relating to check list items introduces confusion and risk into what should be a value add feature. In my view it's a blocker to expanding the use of boards and will inhibit my ability to scale this feature more broadly in my organization. 


How would you like the feature to work: project is created with a parent task, that has child tasks linked via predecessors. based on template task ID, that parent task pulls into a card (representative of a project) and the subsequent child tasks pull in as check list items that function the same as tasks on a project AND are in the same order they appear in on the project. If subsequent changes are made on the project, they become reflected in the card (acting as a child of the project.). 


Current Behaviour: A parent task can get pulled into a card, but the child tasks get pulled in completely out of order. 

3 Kommentare


Level 1


When we connect projects to a board, all the sub tasks from the projects were brought over randomly without any order. Boards also do not give us the option to sort out our tasks.  It's important for us because without seeing the tasks in the order like in the project list view, it's very confusing for our new agile teams to find their tasks, also very time consuming to rearrange tasks manually.


We would like to keep the drag and drop feature of the subtasks in boards. Either adding a sort option or bringing the subtasks in the order in the project view would be enough to fix this.