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Prevent Task from Being Marked as Complete If Required Fields on Custom Form Attached to the Task Are Blank


Level 9


Right now, if a custom form is attached to a task, there is nothing that forces the user to fill out the custom form. The task may be completed, without the custom form from being updated. Even if the custom form has required fields. Only when someone edits the custom form, does it require you to fill in the required fields.

We have examples of collecting information when we get to certain points in a project. This data is being collected via a custom form on a task. However, the system doesn't force the assigned to user to fill in the custom form. They can close the task without even looking at the custom form tab.

As a workaround we have been attaching an approval process to the task, so the PM can verify the information was populated. However, it would be nice to not have to take this extra step.



Level 1


Agreed. There are certain key steps the need review, approval, or information filled out before completing a task. This will help with governance in PMOs or even help with tighter campaign management for a multi-channel marketing project.


Level 2


Agreed. Seems logical to prevent a task from moving forward if required fields on an attached custom form are not completed.


Level 2


This should be a setting that the planner chooses when adding the form to the task. If the task ALWAYS requires 100% required fields completion, without the ability to disable that, it could hinder productivity when a team needs to expedite tasks and have been given permission to bypass certain otherwise-required fields.


Level 10


@Dustin Silbereisen, I can see your point as well, which is why this should be a setting the sysadmin can control whether to use or not.

I always try to remind WF when making these changes NOT to get rid of the old behavior, but ADD additional behavior. They like to talk about how much flexibility they give us…


Level 4


This should be basic behaviour. What's the point of providing a 'required field' feature when colleagues can either ignore it or not even be aware they need to complete these fields if they don't edit the form to fill them in? I'm rather dumbfounded that this isn't basic functionality.


Level 1


We were just testing the required fields in a task and was shocked to see I could close the task without filling in the Required fields. This is basic level requirements and should be restricting the closure of the tasks, otherwise what is the point in allowing 'Required' fields to be added at Task level. This needs to be added ASAP


Level 1


We were just testing the required fields in a task and was shocked to see I could close the task without filling in the Required fields. This is basic level requirements and should be restricting the closure of the tasks, otherwise what is the point in allowing 'Required' fields to be added at Task level. This needs to be added ASAP


Level 1


We were just testing the required fields in a task and was shocked to see I could close the task without filling in the Required fields. This is basic level requirements and should be restricting the closure of the tasks, otherwise what is the point in allowing 'Required' fields to be added at Task level. This needs to be added ASAP


Level 2


It seems like lots of users want this enhancement, I really believe Adobe should put this one to the top of the list for the next release.
This post/idea was raised back in 2017, it's now 2022 and you still can't make required fields mandatory until a user clicks into a custom form, which isn't a great system design. You can close a task with fields uncompleted and there is no error message or anything telling the user that there is something they need to fill in.
We want this escalated as it is causing us a lot of issues regarding the transferring of data and ensuring users are filling in all the required information.