The biggest request I have is for a focus on general performance improvements across Workfront. This would be to address many of the following concerns and real-life problems users experience in the system - not just the spikes when there's an outage or degradation.
504 errors.
Slow report loading.
Slow loads on the My Work page.
Slow loads when building new tasks into a project plan or drag & drop.
Sporadic crashing when trying to load a page that's going slowly (I think time out is what's happening when you get stuck loading a report)
Beyond this, it would be nice to get more feedback as far as what's happening with these improvements over time.
This is the single biggest concern across my organization. Performance beats out any feature request we could ever make.
There's an article about upcoming performance improvements on the help site (thanks Heather) but unfortunately it doesn't show when it was posted and it doesn't provide any sort of timing (even tentative timing) on when these updates might be made. I llinked to the article on 4/14/17 so at least there's a reference to when I became aware it existed.
There's also a forum post on the community form located here.