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NEW HOME: Drag-and-drop system fields in the Layout Template


Level 10


Allow users to drag-and-drop fields that they've chosen to show on the Layout Template e.g. for a Task Request.

For example, moving a field within the same row (e.g. from left to middle, or right to left), or moving a field from one row to another.

5 Comentários


Level 6


Agreed. I can't figure out how to overwrite fields or move them around without deleting and starting over.

I had to remove entire rows if I decided I wanted an item to go from row 3 to row 1.


Level 3


Would also be great if we can see how those fields were created if we've renamed them. For example, we might rename "Task: Planned Start Date" to just "Start On", but there's no way to come in afterwards and see if it's using Planned Start Date or Actual Start Date or what.


Level 3


Hey everyone,

Thanks for upvoting this idea!

Good news for you - reordering of the fields on Home customization in Layout Templates will be supported in New Workfront Experience!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Best regards,

Gevorg Kazaryan

Product Manager
