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Need the ability to move multiple fields at once in the custom form builder


Level 10


Description - Need the ability to move multiple fields at once in the custom form builder

Why is this feature important to you - It takes hours to move new fields around when a form is nearing 500 fields. When multiple fields are going to the same section on our forms, this would be optimal to have to save time clicking and scrolling.

How would you like the feature to work - Be able to select multiple fields at once either through a checkbox or holding the Shift key and then the fields selected could be dragged at once.

Current Behaviour - Only able to move one field at a time which is time consuming and inefficient.


I have seen some old ideas posted on this topic but no traction. This should be a native feature of the tool and should not need a third party app to assist with this functionality.




Community Advisor



Hi @J_Hobbs,


While you're waiting for this enhancement, I invite you to consider our Update Category solution (albeit a third party app, as @Kiersten_K mentioned)  to efficiently move parameters around in (large) custom forms.





Level 10


In Workfront's upcoming release, I noticed the new "Move To" functionality to move fields to other sections. This just brought a tear to my eye after seeing it in Preview. Even though I can only move 1 field at a time to a section, this will still be a game changer for my almost maxed out custom forms with many sections. Yay for progress!


Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 1.13.54 PM.png








Community Advisor



Nice catch @Kiersten_K,


In addition to my suggestion above (and noting that back in the pre 500 limit day, I managed custom forms with 1200 parameters...ugh)...


Another quick tip for those times you have a lot of click-drag-scroll-scroll-scroll-dropping to do to is to zoom your browser out to something ridiculous (e.g. 25% is the min on Chrome) to minimize the distance of travel required, and (huh -- wish I'd thought of this part before today) then turn on a Magnifier utility to give yourself a fighting chance.





Community Advisor



Ah! Also, for the one lucky reader who might not have known...


When adding an existing parameter to a custom form, rather than simply double-clicking it (which puts it at the bottom of the form) and forces you to then drag it into position, you can drag and drop it "right where you want it" (using the blue marker line that appears on hover over).


