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Fix Inconsistencies with Parent Task Constraints in Templates


Level 4


Parent task constraints in a template should yield the same results when applied to a project. Currently, this is not the case.

Why is this feature important?
If you need a specific phase of a project (with many child tasks) to start on a particular date, it makes sense to have the ability to set a start date for the entire group of tasks. Task constraints work as expected on parent tasks in projects, so it’s essential that a project template behaves the same way when creating a new project. Consistency between templates and projects is crucial for accurate task planning and scheduling. 

How would you like the feature to work?
Parent task constraints in a template should function the same way they do in a project, ensuring that the template creates the project with consistent, expected results.

Current Behavior:
Some task constraints on parent tasks in templates are not respected when the template is used to create a project. For example, in a template, I have set a constraint on a parent task to start on day 5 (working days). However, when I create a project from the template, the task is pushed to day 10. With the project start date set to 2/4, a constraint for day 5 (working days) should set the task to 2/11, but it is instead set to 2/18. This discrepancy suggests a calculation error.

Adobe’s response was that task constraints should not be applied to parent tasks. My counterpoint was: if that’s the case, then why is the option to apply constraints available in the first place? And, why does it work as expected when I apply it in a project? It also works on simple templates but seems to get confused on more complex templates. Adobe could not provide an explanation and reverted back to it's first response of not putting a task constraint on a parent task and to put in this idea. Anyone else having this issue?