Description - Currently, delegated assignees are emailed once to notify them they are assigned as a delegated person. It does not send real-time notifications each time an approval is sent to the original person. It should reroute the approval request and email to the delegated.
Why is this feature important to you - Requesters are not always checking their widgets. Without notifications, you're asking the requester to check in Workfront like a hawk to know if a new approval was sent.
How would you like the feature to work - Notifications should be sent in real-time much like they do for a normal document or proof approval. Send the notification to the delegated person that there is a document that needs their review and decision.
Current Behaviour - One email is sent at the time of the delegation. The original person is then out of office. The production teams send approval requests and the delegated person does not get notifications or emails of new approvals.