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Input an (Undo) button for Approvals that will bring back the Approve - Reject buttons


Level 2


Has Workfront ever thought about inputting an “undo” button for approvals? Scenario: if someone approves something then realizes that they shouldn’t have approved it and then they could hit the “undo approval” button to make the green “approve” and red “reject” buttons appear again so that they can change to a rejection this time. I think this feature already exists for documents but I don't see this available for the approval process for Workfront tasks. This would be very helpful.



Level 8


I realise it's not intuitive, but if the stage isn't locked you can click on 'decision' and de-select the choice you made. This then shows in the audit log (e.g. one entry saying you approved it at 2:00 pm, and another saying you revoked the decision at 4:43 pm).


Level 10


Click on "Decision" where Barry? And is that just for stage approval or also for approval processes on issues and tasks?