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Give system admins an option to remove "Commit Dates" from the system.


Level 10


If you don't use commit dates and everything is based on planned dates setup by the project manager, as a system administrator you should be able to remove commit dates from the product. When commit dates are removed, no user will see them or set/change them anymore.

To be honest, most users don't even notice commit date until it starts messing with their projections. In the innovation lab there have been numerous requests to change commit date behaviour, that either haven't been implemented, or have been marked implemented when the solution doesn't actually resolve the issues users are experiencing.

The historical requests to fix commit date include:

1. Give system admins an option to remove "Commit Dates" from the system – 2100 points


2. New Home: Admin ability to customize left side Work List – 970 points


3. Viewing Planned Completion vs. Commit Dates – 510 points


4. Commit Dates Approvals follow the same flow as all approvals – 180 points


5. Ability to reject a proposed new date (commit date) – 150 points


6. change the view for "Assigned To" view to use planned completion date instead of commit date – 100 points


7. Home: Make Commit Date Field Editable – 90 points


8. Provide option in set up area to turn off automatic set commit date – 70 points


9. Allow clearing / deleting a commit date on a task – 60 points


10. Progress Status on Commit Date Later than Planned Completion Date – 70 points


11. Allow change of commit date by PM after team member clicks "Work on it" – 60 points


12. Commit Date User Control – 40 points


13. Ability to batch update commit dates – 30 points


14. Users with Manage it Access to Projects/Accepting Commit Dates – 20 points


So here is one idea that address all of the above, without impacting any current instances that are actively using commit dates.

1. Under ‚ÄòSettings’, ‚ÄòProject Preferences’ there is a default setting for how projects handle commit dates. Sys admins can set this to:

· Set to planned when edited

If ‚ÄòTrue’ or enabled, (default) Workfront continues to function as it currently does

If ‚ÄòFalse’ or disabled, changing the status, percentage complete, actual start date etc does NOT populate a commit date ‚Äì the field continues to be blank

· Calculate progress status on

Commit Date (default) Workfront continues to function as it currently does

Projected Completion Date Workfront ignores commit date unless accepted by someone with manage rights to the project (which would update the planned date and thus the calculations anyway)

· Commit date editable by

If set to ‚Äòassignees’ (default) Workfront continues to function as it currently does

If set to ‚Äòassignees and project owner’ all commit dates are editable by the current project owner or the assignee(s)

If set to ‚Äòassignees and project managers’ commit dates can be edited by the assignee OR anyone with manage rights to the project

· Commit date changes approved by

If set to ‚ÄòProject Owner’ (default) all commit date approvals go to the project owner ‚Äì current functionality

If set to ‚ÄòProject Managers’ commit date approvals can be accepted or rejected by anyone with manage rights to the project

2. Under ‚ÄòProject Details’, have the same fields as ‚ÄòSettings’, ‚ÄòProject Preferences’

Note that this fields can be hidden (deselected) in layout templates, meaning if they are set a particular way in project preferences (and/or templates), sys admins can choose whether project owners can change them or not

3. If you have permission to edit the commit date, you have permission to simple delete it. Doing so will have Workfront perform the same calculation for projected completion date that it would if a commit date had never been entered.

4. If you have permission to edit the commit date, it is editable anywhere it is displayed – home page right pane, any dashboard/report, and view that includes the commit date field, task details pane etc. This includes selecting multiple tasks in a view/report and bulk editing to update or remove it.

5. Commit date becomes an option in areas dealing with dates

· A date field option on calendars

¬∑ The ‚Äòsort by’ drop-down on the home page

· Left side worklist of the home page (planned for implementation)

6. If a commit date is generated that is different to the planned completion date, it shows in the home screen along with task/issue/project status change approvals and proof approvals. The workflow is a single stage with only one approval needed, and either contains just the project owner or all people with manage rights to the project (depending on the setting in project preferences)

7. The Project owner and/or users with manage rights to the project can reject a commit date. While the commit date will still be on record, the planned completion date and progress status will NOT be based on the commit date.



Level 7


Okay folks, if we can't have the big fix, maybe we try for the small fix. For those of you following this idea and disappointed it hasn't made it to a planned state, please see the link below.


We (as admins) can customize the My Work area so we show Due dates instead of commit dates, we can add tabs to tasks that provide users with the correct due date information (if they go there). The only thing we can't do is directly customize the UI on a task where that commit date shows up in a high-profile way that continues to confuse people. So let's all ask for the temporary fix of putting the due date right there next to the commit date t so it's an easy to see comparison. This should help all users who end up looking at that task and thinking a commit date is supposed to be their due date.

This should be a much easier fix than the larger customization of turning commit dates on/off at a system level. If you agree this small win would be helpful, go to the link and upvote it.




Level 10


Whilst I am definitely in the "remove commit dates" camp, I agree that if that's too hard to do so, then it would be very valuable to add the real Due Date in the main task box, next to (or immediately above/below) the Commit Date. This will at least resolve the key concern, which is the confusion where users think the Commit date IS the Due Date.


Level 10


Hi Anna - now that we're approaching 12 months since your last comment, how about getting this into the schedule for the year ahead?



any update on this?

Commit date is also an issue when you copy a plan. The new plan takes the old commit dates that would no longer make sense...and they can't be removed


Level 10


Please, please reconsider this! Commit Dates are a real pain. It's too hard for many Work users to remember the difference, and trying to explain why the system shows it to them but they shouldn't touch it and should just ignore it (and where to look for the real Due Date) is frustrating.


Level 2


Thank you all for your active participation and making your voice heard. We can clearly see how much confusion the current way commit dates work is causing on your side.

I am glad to let you know that we are looking into a solution for this problem. We are in the stage of investigation and will be reaching out with research questions.

Thank you for your patience.


Level 4


Adding to this... I'd like to see this setting controlled at the Group level. I can see a scenario where this is something that groups would like to manage differently.


Level 1


Hello, it has been another 6 months. Can someone share a current status update? The ability to disable commit dates completely will be a plus. New users are confused by them and it unnecessarily adds to the challenge of getting users to promote and advocate for enterprise-wide use of the Workfront tool.