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Customization of approval processes to have an "exclude" feature/rule/filter for select users


Level 4


Description - Allow for approval process tied to request queues to have an "exclude" feature/rule/filter for selected users whenever they make a submission to allow those requests to skip approval.


Why is this feature important to you - Users set as an approver on an approval process for a request queue get notifications to approve their own requests and have to approve their own requests. These users don't want to be notified about their own submission, nor do they ant to have to approve their submissions. They would like to focus on the requests that other users are submitting to make sure those are valid rather than their own.


How would you like the feature to work - Allow for more customization of approval processes to have an "exclude" feature/rule/filter that can be applied so that users who are set as the approvers aren't notified when they themselves make a submission and won't have to approve their own submission. Their submission would go through without needing to be approved because it's the approver making the submission.


Current Behaviour - Users set as a approver for requests still have to approve their own requests that they submit. This sends them an unneeded notification and causes them to go in approver their own submission. They know they made a submission. They know the submission is valid. They would like for their submission to skip the approval process.