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autonumber field - docket numbers


Level 10


When we create projects, we would like it to be easily identifiable by a docket number, something sequential eg 17-xxxx and should increment only by the specific object type eg Project. Unfortunately, the only available autonumbering available on Workfront is through all objects, meaning if I have 2 projects created, this could be 17-ABX1 and 17-1257 because of all objects created in between. We need this number to be sequential to the object only.



Level 10


I agree. I'm pretty sure there's more use to setting up a field with unique sequential numbers. It's disappointing to see Workfront's reply to this. We're not asking them to remove the current use of their reference number as I'm sure some users are already using it because they had no other recourse but to use a 6 - 8 alphanumeric code that had no rhyme or reason as it relates to the object.


Level 3


I hope that WF will reconsider. We leverage the project reference number as a primary key to search for all of our projects. With the current volume of objects this number will grow exponentially and will become unreasonably long. Our only other option is to pursue a customized code generator or purchase Fusion.


Level 10


LOL, community's down and it's sending reference ids for every refresh.

Reference ID: f5a6df72-a54a-11e8-b815-0a4ccd35c2c7

Reference ID: 144f7024-a54b-11e8-9d38-0a4ccd35c2c7

Can you imagine XX years from now, what possible reference numbers you'd be looking at on Workfront ?


Level 4


@Anna - that totally makes sense! Yet, what people are looking for is essentially a calculated field that counts up from 1, with maybe some minor additional functionality (such as setting the base number, # characters, and a set of leading characters or numbers). We need both a backend system of truly unique IDs and a more rudimentary system that is easy for anyone to reference.

Workfront users and admins will definitely make mistakes using a more basic numbering system - guaranteed (myself included!), but it's still something that is easily available on other, similar systems. Again, keeping the 32-character Unique ID system will guard against major issues. Please reconsider!


Level 2


We have a work around but this would be much better for us.

We add the year to the front of the Project Number, so our reference is P18_______

We could reuse the same sequential numbers every year and just change to the Year at the front. Love this idea!!!


Level 10


Being a new Workfront user and just working through Implementation, I am disappointed with the lack of numbering and even more so with their short sightedness of having a more diverse customer base than they had years ago. Very unfortunate.


Level 10



Many of us share your disappointment. One alternative is to use a calculated field that can create a numbering system for your use case.



Level 1


When you create a calculated field (but you have already opened lots of projects, what is the best way to start that? I also of course don't know how to do a calculated field that only relates to new projects?


Level 10


I don't see why this has to be either/or based on the 2018-08-20 support reply.

I also think it was a silly idea to accommodate one customer to the detriment of others; why not keep both?

Keep the Reference Number as any other system GUID and unique across objects system wide, makes sense even from a backend perspective; having a unique key is useful.

But still have a field type or secondary parameter that would be, say, unique across objects (Project Number separate from Task Number).

OR, have a special field type of "Serial Number" that has parameters such as

  • starting number
  • increments (some people need jumps of 1, 5, 10, etc.)
  • object to apply to (portfolio, program, project, task)
  • number of digits (some folks need a fixed number of digits)
    • Leading zeros (if the number of digits needs to be absolute like 0005)
  • prefix (to account for alphanumeric internal systems such as A12345 or XY12345)
  • suffix (same as prefix above)
  • separator (both pre- and post-, to account for A-12345, 12345-B, or A-12435-B)

Needless to say I too need incremental, auto-generated numbers such as:

  • Incremental project numbers.
  • Incremental Work Order numbers (which in our case are based on Tasks)
  • Incremental PO numbers (which are based in a custom form logic)

The omission of such a feature seems out of touch with corporate business users and needs. It's much easier when doing accounting to cite the number than an arbitrary title field which could be too close to the name of another field.

English-language in day-to-day dealings amongst workers and project managers is nice, but managers, directors, HR, and Finance need numeric identifiers that follow some logic.


Level 4


@Kevin Quosig.... Spot On! There are so many simple ways to have universally unique and locally unique sequential IDs at the same time. I wonder if Workfront QCs their status updates that are posted on these? Could you imagine that having gone through a formal review process and still making it out the other end.