Description - Highlight Description field changes (what was added/what was removed) in updates.
Why is this feature important to you - This will save users a lot of time when trying to review changes to the Description field
How would you like the feature to work - When the text in the Description field is updated, the System Updates section can:
Option 1: Record the new text with the old text (combined as one), striking out anything that was removed highlighting it in red, and highlighting anything that was added in green. If colored highlights are not feasible, simply strike out removed text and use bold for added text.
Option 2: Record the system update in two columns, the left being the original text and the right being the new text. In the New Text Column, it would also be great to strike out anything that was removed highlighting it in red and highlighting anything that was added in green. If colored highlights are not feasible, simply strike out removed text and use bold for added text.
A basic version of Option 2 is available in Jira.
Current Behaviour—When the Description is changed, the system records the updated text as-is in the System Updates section. For a user to figure out what was changed, they have to read the entire description (sometimes this can be very long), and even then, it is hard to find what was exactly updated. Users are forced to use a third-party text comparison tool to determine what was changed.