Description - Allow data points from the Workload Balancer to be readily available for WF Reports.
Why is this feature important to you - We would like to be able to pull in data points from the balancer into WF reports. Only a handful of teams have access to the balancer and the remainder of our users receive reports. The problem is the reports are not always apples to apples to the data provided in the balancer. For example, we have found tasks that span more than 1 day does not break apart planned hours over the duration and instead lumps in all on the planned completion date of the task, where as the balancer distributes the time evenly over the duration. This causes mass confusion for our teams when trying to assign and review team workloads. Also, the reports do not pull in a user's pto which does not tell the whole story when a leader is looking at a report and questioning why someone's hours are low/non existent, but the balancer does.
How would you like the feature to work - Allow Workload Balancer data points to be reportable as an object.
Current Behaviour - Does not exist.