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Allow Option for Tasks to be automatically be sent to Working On instead of Work Requests


Level 5


My users dont like the "Work Requests" tab and would prefer to have all of their tasks automatically show up in "Working On" section.

Work Requests just hides tasks from them, and also makes them preform the extra step of clicking "Work Requests" and "Work On It", when it would be better if all tasks just automatically went to "Working On".



Level 5


I agree Alex's comments. In addition:

- This should include tasks and issues.

- On tasks, it would be helpful if they appeared when they are ready to start (predecessor task has been completed) similar to the functionality provided within Work Requests - All

- If task/issue is assigned to a team, these objects also need to be presented some where within the My Work page possibly on a separate tab rather than at the bottom of the 'list'.


Level 5


My Creative Department would love this. The less clicks the better. I know I like it as Traffic/Production since I prioritize what I need to do it would be a super great viewing option by user. Thank you.


Level 5


I want to elaborate a bit more on why this is valuable to me and my organization.

We have many projects and we plan things out very far in advance. Also we are using the tool to help us track thousands of projects, each project representing a multi-step implementation process at a single store. One person may be responsible for a certain task at all of these implementations.

As a result this person may be assigned thousands of tasks at once. Theoretically we could take advantage of workfront's scheduling in My Work so the person could use Workfront to help manage when each task needs to get done.

However, this is impossible because all of these tasks are hidden under "Work Requests" and not mixed in with the "Working On" tasks. Because they don't show up in the same queue, scheduling them is impossible. The person cannot go into Work Requests and click "Work On It" 1000 times.

This feature seems like a simple request on the front of it, and it would reap huge divdends for my organization.


Level 3


An excellent idea, less clicks, and in most cases in my org, no tasks are "optional" per se and everything assigned is expected to be done.


Level 10


I like this idea but only if it is at the person level. Like the option "Send work I assign to myself to my Working On tab" is in Preferences. There are some groups that like to see the request first in case they need to forward it to someone else.


Level 3


Would be great to have 1 Queue with everything in one place. But we would still need the differentiation between working on things, which auto set the commit dates, and then the hundreds of tasks that are requests and also still need to see the difference between ready to start and all.

Would be nice to have the working on tasks at the top, then half way down you have the requests section, all in one list. So your working on flows into your ready to start requests which flows into your all requests.. a little bit like a structured email inbox.

Would also be nice then to be able to drag and drop tasks between working on and requests, and be able to order and arrange things how you want, rather than being constrained by workfront's filters and understanding of priority etc


Level 1


This feature is also important for Workfront users in industries like manufacturing and product development. There are certain things that absolutely must happen - i.e. components on a station for building automotive equipment. There isn't really a choice to "work on it". It will either be assigned to the user or fall behind (user is OOO or overburdened). If it falls behind it will provide immediate visibility to the project owner.